Friday, February 15, 2013


There's a sign I drive by fairly frequently... the ones where you can put a pithy quote on it. The sign often bothers me.  I always think to myself, "I think I understand what they're trying to say, but do they really realize what they're actually saying?" 

You've seen the vanity plates and bumper stickers:

Realizing the error of that statement, many have tried to correct it with this: 

But I still have a problem with it. An internal struggle - because I feel like I should be sitting in coach, not in the cockpit.

The first statement actually comes from the title of an autobiographical book (and subsequent movie) by Brig. Gen. Robert L. Scott, Jr. - WWII fighter ace. Never shot down, the general never lost an aircraft and his feats in the early years of the war inspired an entire generation of young pilots. The book tells of his wartime experiences. He has poured countless hours and dollars into the museum at Warner Robbins AFB in Georgia. He died in March 2006, but his famous title lives on. (see reference, below)

BJ Gallagher is the daughter of an Air Force pilot, and she loves the second statement. (see reference, below) She says this about her dad: 
He taught me the difference between a pilot and a co-pilot. The pilot calls the shots; the co-pilot is the number two guy (or gal). The pilot is in charge; the co-pilot assists him -- supporting, helping, and providing an extra pair of eyes, ears, and hands. The co-pilot's job is important, but he never forgets who's in charge.
Now we're getting somewhere.  But still, it nags me that we think we have the right to the co-pilot seat on our own merit. Does God need an assistant - does He need support or help? Are we as important as we think we are, and is the job we do really vital?  Surely this is better than thinking we are the pilot, but I fear it still causes us to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

And yet, that line about an extra set of eyes, ears and hands niggles at me.   Not because I think God needs an extra set, but because I think He's called His followers to BE His set here on earth.  He calls us to see as He sees - we look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).  We cannot truly know the heart of man, but we can surely know the heart of God (Colossians 2:2-3). He calls us listen - first, to His voice; then, to the cries of those around us.  And He calls us to be His feet and hands - going to the lost and serving them. Our job (sharing the pure gospel of Jesus Christ and loving our neighbors) IS important! 

I love facebook because I am "friends" with several Christian artists.  Mandisa said this today:
Can I encourage you to allow God to establish your steps? The kingdom of God is very different than this temporary world we live in. Our society says to brainstorm, plan, strive, and initiate. And while I believe it if good to have a dream and goals, I also believe in taking those dreams and goals to the feet of the Person we call "Lord", and letting Him actually BE the Lord of our lives.

Jonny Diaz's post also caught my attention:
Never get so high as to think God needs you. Never get so low as to think God doesn't desperately want you.
There is no doubt that God is the pilot - and He doesn't need a co-pilot.  But He wants one! He has, through the shed blood of Christ as an atonement for your sin, invited you onto the plane (Hebrews 10:19-20).  And while you would have been content to sit in coach, He even calls you into the cockpit - the holy place where He moves and dwells (Psalm 91:1-2). He's called you to abide with Him - to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him (Luke 10:38-42). He charts your flight plan, and gives you navigational  instruments. Will you demand the pilot's seat, or learn from Him how to fly?  Will you trust your own sight and feelings, or use the instrument panel He provides - the Holy Spirit and the Bible? (John 14:26, 2 Timothy 3:16) Will you follow the flight plan He designed with His glory and your good in mind, or veer off course by allowing pride or self-righteousness or worldly thoughts or something else to cause deviation? (Matthew 13:18-23) Will you land safely and peacefully in His presence one day, or crash land - escaping through the flames? (1 Corinthians 3:15)

I don't know about you, but I want to soar with God.  The view is amazing!

Read more about General Scott or more from BJ Gallagher here:
*"News > General Scott, “God Is My Co-Pilot” author, dead at 97." The official web site of the U.S. Air Force. USAF, 01 Mar 2006. Web. 15 Feb 2013. <>.

**BJ, Gallagher. "If God Is your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats." The Blog. Huffington Post, 01 Jul 2011. Web. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. <>.

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